The Jungle Of Civilization
Back to me...Presently, somehow it was very difficult for me to bind up all the ideas and experiences under one title. I thought if I couldn't do justice to all these feelings at one go..under one roof..but this title struck, I found this convincing enough for all the happenings in the recent past. Before that I just remembered the chaptor No. 1 that we had in class X in the English text. I don't recollect the title, though I remember it had got to do with spreading the happiness and a feeling of belonging all around. It was about a common man like you and me; spreading a sense of felicity all over to the people he met, through his petty kind deeds and words...lessons like these always touched my heart, and used to keep reading them on and on, to get deeper into those, find the hidden context, to read between lines, exactly what the author has to convey. Sorry Mom, I never topped the merit list, neither could stand out in the "Our pride" boards displayed at the school. But I guess I learnt lessons for life, perhaps some board rankers might not recollect the lessons they had revised days and months together to grab a positon in the state - toppers. Pardon again Mom, I could never realize your dream of making it, but I believe you have taught, there is a lot of difference in being a literate and in being an educated human being, the former nourishes the corpse, the later- the soul, the mind and in turn life.
So going back to the point I want to mention explicitly, I had few instances which made me feel ..yes I am actually doing that. I thanked myself, my knowledge and my inert sensation, by the bliss of which I was able to sense all this.
(To be continued....)
Labels: Copyright ©2008 : Priya
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