Walking in the Rains !!!

The sky darkens. Wind starts blowing...People on the roads start running astray..for a shelter..Back in the forests ..the peacock unveils its feathers and prepares for a good dance ..same happens with me. Joy and merriment feel the air.
Walking in the rains..back in childhood I remember, getting drenched was associated with the thrill..the onset of the monsoons ..the novelty in the whole thing..walking back to home from school..the monsoon days..the raincoats and the umbrellas..rains signified a whole lot of accessories..which obviously meant useless for me..then and now too !!!
Walking in the rains..in the youth has a different dimension ..a different sphere of thoughts..a naturally different orientation to the whole phenomenon. The hindi cinema has already well depicted the beauty and romance of couples walking together under an umbrella...really that is an unexpressable feeling..when you walk with your loved ones..time seems to be passing too fast..you yearn for it to stop there..droplets on water on the bare body..the deliberate..but innocent touch of bodies touching each other..the innate warm feelings..makes the environment crazy. Making love to your partner in such an environment is just more than a bliss.

The onset of the "sawan" the greenery all around..the pleasure in the mind..freshness of the heart, the rainbow in the sky..after rains the environment becoming crystal clear..so many attributes to a single phenomenon..
What makes rains so special..what makes the weather so cosy..that you remember some one special..a simple half cup of tea..and onion "bhajiyas" at the roadside..makes your day..makes you sentimental..of all the past memories..lingering thoughts..ifs and buts of life..Then there are no regrets..you think what happend has happened..it was for good..at least life gave you those rains..those moments which you can revise on another rainy day..

Walking in the rain ...thus builds memories..sweet ..sour..memories strong enough for a life time..strong enough to evoke the mind and worthy enough to revisit again..
Rim-Jhim Gire Saavan, Sulag Sulag Jaae Man
Bhiige Aaj Is Mausam Me.N, Lagii Kaisii Ye Agan
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