The Encounter.
I met people.......people...of all kinds...but never bad....never had I those experiences...those ones which people used to frighten me with...I generally feel that world sees you in a way you want yourself to be seen. And that people generally reciprocate. They reciprocate to your thoughts, actions and styles. Everything in this universe has its own reciprocal. Just like Newton's third law of can always have a retortion or rather a retaliation for every single call you make. None of the actions or deeds go unnoticed in the account of fate.
God has been very kind to me ...all these days ..I supppose...touch wood!!!!..That does not mean however that I had no hurdles in my path...yes they were there surely...but then its like when God has given you stomach, he has given you a beak too..Difficulties will come with their own genre..they will try to impede your rocking spirits all the time..but its how you get over them. I am writing this in a very general way without refering any particular situation that ocurred. I am experiencing this throughout my life and howsoever, I have managed to get rid of them by hook or crook..!!At this juncture I remember a famous quote of Mr. Vijay Tendulkar, a renowned writer of my land..."No difficulty is such that it can overcome you...for you have to rise about it ..and make it feel belittled...for it should be so ashamed of itself...that it won't cross your path the next time."
I met a nice friend over here. Friends are always there.....they say all the time ..with the friendship days and bands creating a lot of marketing of the human emotion. But how many of them you meet, in true sense think better of you. Very few...measured on the fingers!!! Pallavi has always been a support. I had been in a very perplexed situation some two months before..was not able to understand which path to trace...then one fine morning after my bath..I went to her..she with her cup of tree at about 6.15 in the morning..with a cloudy sky..and kind of chill in the air. I asked her directly with no out of context topics...."Dear, should I take up the work or not?". People had advised me to leave the project...knowing like a very burdensome kind of schedule was supposed to be implemented...I had a tough discussion twice with my senior...with he trying to pressurize me creating false notions..when I could vividly understand he was doing so out of an unknown desperation, unexpressed exasperation and outright resentment....Poor guy!!!...I thought he had his ways to go...but he was being a nuisance to me..and set outright to defend myself..never in my life could I tolerate any sort of injustice towards me....I had the tremour in my voice..I was going to breakdown..but I held myself strong with quite an effort...I knew...I had to be conscious..."That's pathetic!"..I roared..he was taken aback...!!...After my class fiercely I came back and wrote to my manager..."Any clarifications can directly comtact ME"...then came the reply next morning..there is a lot of misunderstanding...come down for a discussion...he had also been set straight...My team lead stated.."better leave the project at this juncture..anyway I will tell that you can handle the project...but later yu will have to are doing a lot of things at a time.." was her assertion....personal view..I dwelt upon it for sometime...was it the case..I questioned myself...then to Pallavi..!

With whatever she had seen in me..over the last nine months...she had more confidence in me than what I had in myself....It was she who encouraged me to take up the work...She said..some days will be bad..but then that is escapes..never run away from difficulties...for they are going to catch you anyway...dont go by others views...know yourself..and I know that you can do better..and get out of the situation very well". She retorted..."Marvelous!"..i thought she is the person who has understood me..has faith in me...I feel sometimes when you feel short of your own matter how strong you consider yourself..this happens to each one of some time in life!!..She gave me the courage ...retrieved my self-confidence and most significantly the hope that everything will go well...
That's what all of us seek for...don't we????
"Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope, too, can be given to one only by other human beings."
-Elie Weisel
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