Testing Times...

This wait is killing..I never waited this long even for my borad exams..my results..none. I feel as if I am neither on earth nor in the sky; somewhere in the middle, hanging with some parachute. I look at the terrain, I see valleys, if I happen to fall in any of those..life would be in the dark, loopholes and I guess I would nevr be able to get out of it anytime, and even if I do by that time I would have wasted most years of my life, and then my ambitions, destinations start appearing dull, blurred and distant journey. I wish I cling to this parachute some more..till someone catches hold of me..into their flight and takes me to the reuired destination. They say hope floats...how long!!
This is perhaps the most testing time in my life...most consuming. god has given me everything after a long wait. My love..a long wait..My Engg results ..a long wait..My board results much much a longer wait. Why all the good things in life come after waiting so much. But this waiting period is terrible... you lose all the patience you have everyday; Only to get up the next day..ask yourself what is in the basket for today; build up some more courage to endure the crunches that life will offer for the day and keep wondering with each sunset..alas one day is gone in the history. I don't know how many days of our lives we miss..spend with no reason..and at the end life is over.

I believe God gives us these moments only to realize his existence. The existence of the divinity. You have to answerable to hundred things..hundred people..for no reason. Do certain things..that you are damn sure are not going to help you in any way. But giving no excuses you have to do them..You know you are wasting time..again..and precious time of life. you got to be going somewhere..but you are stuck in here for no reason. God ..god please ...please help me come out of this dreaded predicament..they are killing me here..I wish top get out as early as possible..Sometimes you feel death would be better than this.
Yesterday (4th May) I went to the writer's meet. To my surprise, met an old colleague over there. He had left the organisation almost six months back...was working as a free-lance somewhere...good amount of guts I thought. What I had been thinking of... all these days..much to my surprise ..this guy is already upto it. Great Man.. ..only if I could have guts like him. These people are making my life from bad to worse.
And I know I have written the worst ever post of my life life..with no consistency whatsoever. I can't write worse than this... Let me stop at this !!!

Everything in life is temporary…
Darkness of the night or brightness of the day
Even sunrise is temporary… And so is sunset.
If things are going good enjoy it… It won’t last forever
And if things are going bad
Don’t worry coz it won’t last forever either.
Everything just passes by…
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