Right Place, Right time...

I was reading a chapter in marketing today- integrating channels and advertising. This particular line struck me...and I started thinking, it's so much true, after all life is all about that. Actually I feel like most of the management subjects are connected with each other, most of them either talk about the contribution margins and the return on investment. What are doing with ourselves- taking as little risk as possible and expected the most out of it..low risk, high return strategy. In fact it can be said, most of the management's strategies are interlinked with life. Every person should do management in his/her life at least once. It teaches a lot about some things in life that we have taken for granted, removes certain misconceptions we have been carrying all way through.

Everything in life is predetermined , I feel. Destiny is there, I became a believer in destiny after a lot of deliberation, somethings which occur in life, which have no reasoning, somethings which are just there, without any logic. In meditation these days, I am getting a lot of answers to most of my questions...Its the karma; karma of your life that is heading you towards a particular thing or goal. When we start heading towards a particular goal, or work, its our karma which gets ys going. Just remember how many times in your life, you have done things just like that, you didn't really know exactly, why you behaved in a particular way or a particular manner.

The other day sir told a psychological case in meditation. I related myself to it so much. Most of his dictions I do relate to...this was something which I had really experienced. The case of a young lady, who falls who has a girlie crush over her brother-in-law while a walk on a trip. A walk in the woods, when most of their tastes match, aptitudes match. Sometimes, you just like someone, you just have no reasoning why are you getting attracted to that personality, when you know you have downright inhibitions which are going to prevent you from attain in the same. And then knowing that the thought was unethical, she wipes it off her mind ...though it penetrates into her mind deeper and deeper, is always in her subconscious thought. Her sister dies, few years down the line, and then st the same moment she feels that now that he is free she can marry him. Ohh !! such a dirty feeling, so unpious, she feels, She is ashamed of her thought again, knowing that this is not the way she should be thinking.

doesn't it sound like that? Yes but sir, reasoned out, its because that she had those feelings when they met first and something had happened over the walk..the memory of the same, is haunting her...When she realizes the same, and let the crush go off, its then that her paralysis goes off..and she is back to normal..
So true, a story relating me to my past, remembering me of the sprain in my leg...yes I have experienced it !!! and it is not wonderful, not at all.
but these things happen, why no answer, but they do...they have to..!
The recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai, those 101 incorporeal souls and still countings, I wondered what they have done for they to be so mercilessly murdered. Sir had an answer for that. And I could relax my mind , only to learn that they are only paying off their karma, and we need not fill much about it.
Perhaps, they were just in the "Wrong place, wrong time... !!"
But then it doesn't mean either, that we just sit back and relax..destiny is written, but we have to read it also...

"The two most important requirements for major success are: first, being in the right place at the right time, and second, doing something about it"
-Ray Kroc, Mcdonalds ( one of the most popular management illustrations !!)
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